A ‘little bit’ of creativity

Giving ‘Scotland’s Family Butcher’ more banger for their buck. Faced with an increasingly health conscious Scottish market, Scotland’s Family Butcher, Malcolm Allan, approached Denvir with the task of creating and launching a new range identity for its lean and low-calorie offering.   A ‘little bit’ of creativity. Our focus was on preserving the tradition and familiarity of this much-loved fourth-generation …

Building great brands: ‘One word’ of advice.

At Denvir, we have a passion for brands. We love everything about them; from the process of creating brands, to the feeling they give us as consumers. The latter is something almost everyone can relate to. If we asked you to imagine slowly opening a beautifully simple, matte white box, to unveil a clean, shiny, black glass surface, you would …

SEO What? Why and how to climb Google rankings.

We’re feeling pretty ‘optimal’ here at Denvir HQ, and the amazing results our SEO experts have achieved for our clients inspired us to share our top 5 SEO tips in this latest blog (other sources of inspiration may or may not include our copywriter watching the film ‘Everest’ last night). Why does SEO matter? Getting to the top of search …

#DenvirBakes: Jen’s Double Chocolate Brownies with Raspberries

We love cake. Do you love cake? Don’t answer. It’s rhetorical, because everybody loves cake. So, for the love of cake we’ve decided to start a monthly #DenvirBakes day, when the Denvirites treat each other to their best bakes, and we treat you to the recipes to try at home. You. Are. Welcome! First up (bravely) was our newest Denvirite Jen, and to …

Royal Highland Show 2018 Preview

The time is near for, what is for many, the pinnacle of the Scottish exhibition calendar. The Royal Highland Show 2018 will fast be upon us, running from the 21st – 24th June, at its modern-day home of Ingliston. As always, the four-day event offers one of the best opportunities for >GREAT Scottish brands to present their latest innovations, make …

Brand Scandal: Are some too big to fall?

Take a deep breath. Can you smell it? The sour tang of a CEO’s sweat, the coffee-hardened breath of investors burning holes in newspaper front pages, the unmistakeable aroma of BS wafting in from the horizon. Can you smell the brand scandal? It seems every year is marked by a new “scandal of the century”. Even without trumping on about …