Crafted quality from start to finish
MGM Timber is a well-known brand with an established reputation; however, its kitchen offering is less well-known. The challenge was to change that, raising brand awareness for MGM Kitchens and to develop clear, effective branding.
We created a modern brand design for MGM Kitchens, linking into the established MGM Timber brand as well as highlighting the quality and design associated with the German kitchens that the brand offers. To reflect its place as trade supplier in Scotland, we added a suitably Scottish twist. The result was a brand-new strapline: ‘Scottish graft meets German craft’.
The rebrand also included creating a new logo, brand guidelines, and key messages.
The work covered everything from web assets, digital and social to branch signage and print.
To put MGM Kitchens on the map, we needed to develop clear branding, positioning, targeting and proposition. By rebranding and repositioning them and raising awareness, not only would we help boost sales, but the strategy had the potential to support developments and growth within the business.
See also
MyrrorMyrrorThe brand and the founders’ mission to empower the app’s users to own their look and become the best version of themselves.