At Denvir Marketing HQ we have been working with Tesco for more than twelve years,’ promoting its range of much loved Scottish suppliers. We have also, recently, been appointed by Tesco to deliver its annual Burns experiential tour.
The tour sees a team of brand ambassadors visiting Tesco stores across Scotland from January 16 to 25. As marketing gurus, we think this is a great opportunity for both local producers and Tesco to showcase the fantastic produce that’s out there to make your Burn’s Night the perfect night.
We have been working with a range of Scottish suppliers including Macsween, McEwan’s, Mackie’s at Taypack and Mrs Tilly’s which are all contributing towards the exciting Tesco tours.
With Burns Night fast approaching, Sunday January 25, we have been looking in to the history of the haggis and also testing ourselves on the different ways this traditional dish can be served.
Haggis fact
Haggis used to be very popular with the poor in Scotland, as it was very cheap and practical. ‘Neeps’ and ‘Tatties’ were also one of Scotland’s main crop, so the three of them have been the ultimate combination ever since. Robert Burns loved Haggis. in fact: [Tweet “Robert Burns was so obsessed with #haggis he wrote the poem ‘Address to a Haggis’
For everyone who sticks rigorously to the traditional menu, which makes the supper so memorable, we wonder if there are any exciting, tasty and modern ways of dishing up this delicious dish – we at Denvir have done just that and asked some of our team:
‘How do you eat your haggis?’
Kathryn – ‘Walking up North with family and friends and ending with a Burns’ supper in a local bothy’
Nicky – ‘I love mine deep fried from the chip shop’
Rick – ‘I eat mine with champ, a nod to my Irish routes’
Kirsty – ‘I used to sneak down the stairs and have a taste at my parents annual supper’
Is the traditional route really the way we should eat our haggis neeps and tatties or should
it be served differently on Burns Night? Or can we take a leaf out a number of Scottish supplier’s books such as Macsween or Grant’s and produce a delicious Macsween Haggis and Cherry Tomato Spaghetti or Grant’s Haggis Pakora to have as a celebration on Burns Night?
The question remains – we would love to know how you eat your haggis, take on the challenge and tweet us with some your ideas!